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Nightmare On Claims Street Part 3

Q Report Team
Updated on October 06, 2022
4 min read

There are very few items that share the same personal significance as a wedding or engagement ring. For most of us, they’re symbolic of the relationships we hold dearest, which we’d do anything to protect.

But as we saw in parts one and two of our Nightmare on Claims Street series, bad luck can come in all shapes and sizes.

From stray doors to dinner disasters, these five jewellery mishaps show how everyday scenarios can quickly turn sour.



1. The Pain Train


When this doting husband travelled into town to give his fiance’s diamond engagement ring a clean and polish, he thought he was giving the jewellery the care it deserved. However, it would take more than a clean and polish to undo what happened next.

As he boarded the train to return home, he stored his bag beneath his seat, which contained the newly-cleaned ring. He worked on his laptop until hurriedly disembarking at his station, accidentally leaving his bag behind.

Thankfully, we were able to provide more help than the railway company and reunite the owner with a like-for-like replacement.



2. The Hard to Handle

omega cracked

Anyone with an interest in luxury watches knows that the Omega Seamaster holds a special place in timepiece folklore. Originally introduced in 1948 and remaining in production to this day, the Seamaster strikes a perfect balance between rugged practicality and effortless style.

So it’s no surprise that this unlucky businessman treated his timepiece with the utmost care. Unfortunately, the Omega was no match for swinging metal.

While standing by the doorway in a meeting room, he had no time to react when the door swung open and struck his wrist with the handle, cracking the watch face.



3. The Dinner Disaster


There’s a long list of things you don’t want to find on the tablecloth when dining at a restaurant. Stray hairs and food stains can be offputting, but a chip from your emerald dress ring can be devastating.

This unlucky diner bumped her stunning ring while getting out of the car, and only noticed it was damaged when a dinner guest pointed out the chip of emerald lying loose on the tablecloth.

Thankfully, her Q Report jewellery insurance policy allowed her to return to her original jeweller for repair.



4. The Bush Fire


On a more serious note, this story goes to show how bad luck can come in twos. This devoted daughter was helping to sort through the remains of her parent’s house, which had been devastated by the Australian bushfires in early 2020, when she noticed her engagement ring had disappeared from her finger.

She continued to search the rubble for hours, however, it was impossible to find her ring among the ash and debris.



5. The Engagement Emergency


A romantic overseas proposal is supposed to feel like a dream come true, but for this couple, their dream engagement quickly became a nightmare.

After saying “YES!” in New York City, this new bride-to-be was crossing the street when her slightly-too-large ring slipped from her finger. Before it could be saved, multiple cars finished the job and broke it to pieces. It just goes to show how important it is to find the right ring size!


Protect Your Jewellery With Specialised Insurance

Specialised jewellery insurance like Q Report is one of the best ways to protect your precious items from unexpected events like these.

With a Q Report policy, you protect yourself with 12 months worldwide cover, the option to return to your original jeweller for replacement and repair, a low fixed excess of $100 if you need to make a claim, and a free annual revaluation of your items.

See how little it can cost to protect your jewellery - get a Q Report quote today.


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