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Just one thing stands between you and marital bliss. You have to propose marriage and get a yes. Shouldn’t be hard, right?

If it were easy, you’d already have done it. And you probably wouldn’t be reading articles online that start with “How to Propose…”

We’ve done the groundwork for you by putting together helpful advice and a list of Australia’s best places to propose. 

Planning & Things to Remember

1.  Pick the right engagement ring for your partner.
2.  General date planning, including the place and time of day.
3.  Inform their parents of your proposal; though this tradition may be somewhat outdated, it is always nice to tell the people closest to them out of respect.
4. Remember to get down on your left knee; if they say yes, put the ring on their left hand. 


How to Pop the Question

It’s your proposal, so feel free to throw out this tried-and-true advice if you know what you’re doing. But if you want to play it safe and create a warm-and-fuzzy memory, listen up.


1 - Know the Answer Before You Ask

Your proposal should be memorable. People (including your kids) will ask you about it, and you’ll want a decently exciting story to tell. But a proposal that’s a complete surprise may not go over well. 

One woman told us that a man proposed to her when they’d been dating for three weeks. Out of the blue, he got down on one knee and asked if she’d marry him. He had his deceased mother’s heirloom engagement ring in a beautiful box. “It was awful,” she said. “I liked him, but I barely knew him. And the last thing I wanted to do was break his heart.”

Don’t do this. Be sure of her answer (because you’ve discussed the whole forever-and-ever thing) before you shine up your mother’s engagement ring and scare the living daylights out of her.


2 - Give it a Practice Run

If you’re sure she’ll say yes, practice what you’ll say. You’re not going to have a teleprompter, and sometimes nerves get the better of us.

While a little nervousness can be endearing, bumbling around can be off-putting. It might even give the impression that you’re not too sure about this (and you want her to know that you’re absolutely certain you want to get married).

Some proposal veterans recommend writing down what you want to say and then practising it in the mirror until the key phrases roll off your tongue. The more comfortable you are, the more comfortable she’ll be as well.


3 - Ask Her the Way She’d Like to Be Asked

We’re not saying you should actually ask her to plan the proposal. But if you know her well (and you should; refer back to tip #1), ask her in a way that perfectly suits her personality and your relationship.

If the family is the centre of your lives, you might pop the question like Dwayne Wade did when he proposed to Gabrielle Union. He had his three young sons hold up a sign that said, “Will you marry us?”

If you both love floodlights and drama, maybe a Kanye/Kardashian-style proposal works well. You could rent out a stadium, hire an orchestra, invite all her family and friends, and flash “PLEEEASE MARRY ME!!!” on the jumbotron.

Or maybe the two of you are a low-key couple. You could propose George Clooney style and make a nice dinner for her. After dinner, ask her if she can light a candle on the table using the lighter in a box you’ve strategically placed on the table. She opens the box and Voila! A ring! Clooney followed up by saying, “Look, I hope the answer is yes, but I need an answer. I’m 52, and I could throw my hip pretty soon.”


4 - Shop for a Ring at Least One Month Before You Propose

Proposing is stressful enough when everything is running smoothly. But what if you’ve scheduled a flight over Heart Reef (see below) and taken time off work, and then you find out the ring you ordered won’t be ready in time for your beautifully-orchestrated proposal?

Avoid this conundrum by shopping for the engagement ring at least one month before you plan on proposing. Sometimes jewellers need extra time for sizing it. At other times, materials may be back-ordered. Save yourself the headache, and give yourself extra time.


The Best Places in Australia for Proposing

So you’ve made sure she’ll say yes, you’ve practised what you’ll say, and you’ve thought about how to make the big ask. Where will you propose? Here are some ideas.

  • Sydney Harbour Bridge, New South Wales 
  • Heart Reef, Queensland
  • The Twelve Apostles, Victoria
  • Barossa Valley, South Australia 
  • Cable Beach, Western Australia 
  • Mitchell Falls, Western Australia 
  • Daylesford, Victoria 


Sydney Harbour Bridge, New South Wales

It’s not private or intimate, but the views are astounding. If your partner isn’t afraid of heights, consider proposing at 134 metres above sea level. Talk to the team at BridgeClimb Sydney for help with your plans.



Heart Reef, Queensland

Discovered in 1975, Heart Reef (part of the Great Barrier Reef) is a heart-shaped coral reef surrounded by pristine, turquoise waters. While you can’t dive or snorkel in the vicinity, you can take a flight over the landmark and pop the question as you soar above the reef.



The Twelve Apostles, Victoria

Set your alarm early and watch the sunrise in one of Australia’s most beautiful spots. Located on the scenic Great Ocean Road, these windswept pillars attract visitors from all over the world.



Barossa Valley, South Australia

If you’re seeking a peaceful, romantic destination, consider a hot air balloon ride in Barossa Valley, an hour north-east of Adelaide. Be sure to explain your proposal plans to your balloon pilot, so everything’s on the up-and-up.



Cable Beach, Western Australia

Escape the city for your proposal. How about a 22-kilometre stretch of dazzling white sand and sparkling azure water? A sunset walk on the beach might be the perfect backdrop for your life-changing question. 



Mitchell Falls, Western Australia

What is it about waterfalls? Romance seems to topple over the shimmering cascades at Mitchell Falls, making it ideal for a marriage proposal. Spend the day hiking across Mitchell Plateau, and take a dip in Mertens Creek. You’ll find plenty of spots that might be perfect for dropping to your knee.



Daylesford, Victoria

If your partner craves pampering, a day trip to Daylesford may fit the bill. Australia’s premier spa destination presents several idyllic locations for your proposal, including the lavender fields of Lavandula and the Glenlyon Estate Boathouse.



So there you have it. No more excuses. We’ve provided you with expert advice and a list of Australia’s most romantic proposal spots. Before you go traipsing off to Mitchell Falls with that sparkler, however, we recommend insuring it. Get an instant quote from us today, and we’ll soon have that gorgeous engagement ring protected. Off you go!

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What you need to save to meet your timeframe and budget is:

This has not taken cut, colour, clarity or carat, your financial situation or your partners taste into account. There are many factors that can reduce or increase the value of an engagement ring.

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