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Top 5 New Year’s Eve Proposal Ideas

Q Report Team
Updated on March 09, 2023
5 min read

Is New Year's Eve the perfect setting for your proposal? Absolutely! It’s a time to celebrate new beginnings, so yes!



Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels: 

New Year's Eve is the perfect opportunity to let your significant other know how much they mean to you. The fireworks, reminiscing on the past year, the lights… it’s the perfect scene for a memorable proposal. 

However, getting a yes from your partner on such a special night requires thoughtful planning. 

In this article, we’ve put together some New Year's Eve proposal ideas to draw inspiration from—and wow your partner!


But First… What To Do Before Planning a Proposal

A proposal is your first step to forever with your lover. And because this step is crucial, you must’ve ironed out a couple of things. 

First, make sure you're ready. 

  • Are you in a good place? 
  • Are you free from distractions?
  • Have you got your partner's support?

Second, get an idea of your partner's dream proposal. 

  • Do they prefer an indoor or outdoor proposal? 
  • Would they like a proposal with friends or something more private? 

Take time to think things through, so you don’t plan a random proposal that doesn’t speak to your partner. 


Top 5 New Year’s Eve Proposal Ideas


1. Scenic Rooftop Proposal at Midnight

If your partner is a sucker for heights and beautiful views, consider having a date on a rooftop. 

Find a romantic spot with an enchanting nightview of the city. This could be from a penthouse, restaurant, bar or hotel rooftop. Decorate the venue with your lover’s favourite colours. 

With some soft music playing in the background, reflect on the year and express how grateful you are to love and be loved by your partner. As the clock strikes close to midnight, reveal that cute little box with a ring, go down on one knee, and ask your partner to do forever with you.

2. Sunset Proposal on a Yacht

A proposal at sunset? Yes, please!

A sunset marriage proposal is one of the most romantic ways to propose to your partner. And on a yacht? That’d be the most beautiful proposal ever! As the sun sets and the yacht cruises around your preferred island, bring out a bottle of champagne and make a toast to your boo. 

Take a trip down memory lane and appreciate your partner for all the years they’ve stuck by you. Wrap it up by revealing a stunning engagement ring and making a proposal.

3. Fireworks Display

It’s almost midnight. Everyone’s outside, or you and your boo are together on your front porch

Behind the scenes, have someone light fireworks, and while your partner is appreciating the fireworks and echoing Happy New Year, ask for their hand in marriage. 


Photo by Piya Nimityongskul from Pexels

This would be a heartwarming proposal, as the euphoria of the new year is all over. 

4. Recreate Your First Date 

If your first date was memorable, consider recreating it to remind your partner how it all started and how far you’ve come. 

This proposal is guaranteed to get your partner all mushy and emotional. It shows you’re intentional and you’ve taken the time to put a thoughtful proposal together. 

So if your first date was at a fancy restaurant, use the same restaurant or bring the scene to life. No matter what and where the first date was, as long as it was memorable, recreate it and make a proposal right in the middle of the date.

5. Share New Year Resolutions Under the Christmas Tree 

Surprise proposal while exchanging new year resolutions? Yes! Your partner would never see it coming. 

Hide a tiny box at the bottom of the Christmas tree before the date night. 

On New Year’s Eve, set the mood with a romantic date with lots of candles and flowers. As midnight draws close, hold your partner in your arms and recap the highlights of your year. 

Ask your partner for their resolutions for the new year. After sharing your resolutions, lead them to the Christmas tree and reveal the box you put there earlier. 

Right there and then, with the box in your hand, tell them how much you want this new year to be the start of forever with them. 


Wrapping it Up: Protect Your Ring with Specialised Jewellery Insurance 

An engagement ring is a treasure. It symbolises love, commitment and a shared future together. Hence, you must treat your ring with care and protect it at all times.

Get specialised jewellery insurance for your engagement ring, as this will provide financial protection should your ring get damaged or lost. Your engagement ring can be an expensive investment and home and contents insurance may not be enough to cover it. 

This is why we created Q Report—to provide you with specialised jewellery insurance with industry leading policy benefits. Our coverage gives you peace of mind to wear and enjoy your engagement ring without fear.

Join thousands of happy Australians that protect their jewellery with Q Report. Get an instant quote, or contact us to get started. Let’s give your jewellery the full coverage it deserves. 

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