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Proposing at Home: Do’s and Don’ts

Q Report Team
Updated on October 06, 2022
4 min read

According to a 2019 survey of 20,000 newly-engaged couples, 21 percent of proposals took place at home sweet home. It was the second most popular place, right after a scenic spot. It’s a clever idea for taking your partner by total surprise, and you’ll both feel comfortable and natural in the location you love best.

Plus, with most of us spending a whole lot more time in the nest during COVID lockdowns, an at-home proposal may be the perfect fit.

We’ve put together some Do’s and Don’ts to make your at-home proposal a memory your grandchildren will repeat to their kids. So let’s make it unforgettable.

Proposing at Home: The Do’s

A proposal at home checks all the boxes for heartfelt romance.

Do - Make a Fancy Meal from Scratch

Distract your significant other by planning a special date night at home. Play it cool, and buy the ingredients for their favourite meal. Don’t worry if your chef skills aren’t primo; if you can read a recipe, you can do this!

You can dial up the romance with a pressed tablecloth and drippy candles, and the rest is up to you! You can pull out that engagement ring (glinting in the candlelight) during dinner or wait until you bring out dessert. Either way, it will be a meal to remember.

Do - Spruce Up the Place

You’re going to be taking pictures, which will resurface from time to time throughout the rest of your lives. So dust off the furniture and sweep the floor. If you want to go the extra mile, you might consider decorations. For a surprise proposal, go for subtle decor. Maybe you unroll a banner with your declaration of love at just the right moment. If inconspicuous isn’t your style, pull out all the stops with balloons, streamers and confetti.

Do - Involve Your Loved Ones

If you need some assistance with your proposal, don’t hesitate to involve your loved ones. Maybe your cousins can provide a string quartet to serenade the two of you while you dine. Or perhaps you can include mum and dad by scheduling a video conference after she says, “I do!” Everyone loves a proposal, and those who love you relish seeing you glow.

Do - Have a Photoshoot

You don’t need a professional camera. Just grab a Polaroid or your phone, and tell your significant other that you’re going to have a photoshoot. As you’re snapping away, pull out the engagement ring! You can set the camera on a self-timer and capture the glorious reaction.

The Biggest ‘Do’ of All

Finally, we present our most important piece of advice: enjoy this special time to the fullest. It’s the start of something beautiful and far-reaching. We’re excited for you and offer our sincerest congratulations!

Proposing at Home: The Don’ts

For a picture-perfect proposal, there are a few things you don’t want to do as well. 

Don’t - Combine Photos with Breakfast in Bed

A first-thing-in-the-morning, sleepy-eyed proposal can be incredibly romantic. But don’t make the mistake of involving pictures. You don’t want your proposal memories to involve bed-head and unbrushed teeth.

Don’t - Do Anything Crazy with the Ring

There are some crazy proposal stories out there. Have you heard the one about the woman who swallowed her engagement ring because it was hidden in her milkshake? Don’t hide the ring in food. 

Also, avoid holding the ring over sinks, drains, grates, bodies of water or any other surface that could engulf and swallow that sparkler. 

Don’t - Propose Without a Ring

For some reason, many people don’t feel like they’re “officially engaged” until there’s a ring. So present that sparkler right from the start. And if you’re not sure what type of ring to buy, consider using a temporary or placeholder ring. That way, you have a ring for the proposal, but the two of you can return to the jeweller, and she can select the one she loves best. 

Don’t - Joke About Getting Married

“Just kidding!” proposals are NOT funny. Unless you enjoy painfully awkward moments and the potential of destroying your relationship, take proposals seriously. You’re asking your significant other to put everything on the line (just like you are), so don’t play with anyone’s emotions.

Don’t - Tell Too Many People about the Proposal

Before you ask, it’s wise to keep your proposal somewhat under wraps. For one, word might get out and ruin the surprise. Also, there’s always a slight chance that your partner might not feel ready for marriage, and you don’t want to have to go around explaining to everyone what happened.

Don’t - Forget to Insure the Ring

We’ve already mentioned a couple of potential ring mishaps. And while we’re assuming you won’t bury the ring in her milkshake or spaghetti, accidents do happen.

That’s why it’s important to insure the engagement ring from the moment you walk it out of the shop. Come what may, you’ll be able to replace or repair the ring if a diamond falls out, a thief steals it or it has an unfortunate run-in with a power tool.

To learn more about insuring your engagement ring with Q Report, call us at 1300 522 808, or get an online quote. With specialised jewellery insurance, your partner can wear that ring with peace of mind, knowing it’s completely protected.

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