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Jewellery Insurance

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Europe beckons this summer as the ultimate travel destination, offering a tapestry of history, culture, and breathtaking landscapes.

It's a time for exploration, indulgence, and, of course, embracing the finer things in life!

As you prepare to embark on your European summer odyssey, don't forget to bring along your cherished jewellery to elevate your experience. 

In this article, we share top travel destinations for jewellery lovers, how to keep your precious pieces safe on the go, and why jewellery insurance is an essential part of your next grand tour! 

Jewellery Lover's Paradise: Exploring Europe's Top Destinations

Istanbul, Turkey - A Fusion of East and West

Istanbul bridges two continents and is a treasure trove of jewellery inspired by its rich history. 


The Grand Bazaar is a must-visit, offering a vast array of jewellery stores, from traditional Turkish designs to contemporary pieces. Hagia Sophia and the Topkapi Palace also house exquisite jewellery collections.

Travel Tip: Bargain with shopkeepers at the Grand Bazaar, but do so respectfully and with a smile; it's part of the experience.

Seville, Spain - Andalusian Elegance

Seville, in the heart of Andalusia, is a city of rich history and flamenco charm. 


It's also a jewellery destination waiting to be explored. The city's historic centre is dotted with artisan jewellers offering unique pieces inspired by Andalusian culture and architecture.

Travel Tip: Take a walking tour of the Santa Cruz neighbourhood, known for its narrow streets and hidden artisan workshops, to discover authentic Sevillian jewellery.

Dubrovnik, Croatia - Adriatic Treasures

Known as the "Pearl of the Adriatic," Dubrovnik is not just a UNESCO World Heritage Site but also a jewellery hub. 


Stroll along the historic streets of Old Town and discover jewellery boutiques offering exquisite pieces inspired by the stunning Adriatic Sea.

Travel Tip: Look for jewellery featuring locally sourced coral and pearls, which are a specialty of the region.

Top Tips For Protecting Your Jewellery On The Go 

  • Travel Jewellery Case: Pack a compact bag with compartments and anti-tarnish strips to protect your jewellery.

  • Wear Selectively: Choose versatile pieces to minimise wear and remove jewellery before certain activities.

  • Carry-On Security: Keep your jewellery in your carry-on bag and use resealable plastic bags for protection during transit.

  • On-the-Go Cleaning: Bring travel-sized jewellery cleaning supplies and a soft cloth for quick cleaning.

  • Secure Hotel Storage: Use hotel safes for secure storage, and check the safe before use.

  • Chemical Awareness: Avoid contact with chemicals like perfumes and lotions, and remove jewellery before swimming.

  • Daily Inspection: Inspect your jewellery daily for damage, and consider a professional inspection upon returning home.

  • Document & Appraise: Document your jewellery with photos before your trip and ensure you have up-to-date appraisals for valuable pieces.

The Rise of Jewellery Insurance for Travellers: Why It's More Important Than Ever

In recent years, the popularity of jewellery insurance for travellers has been steadily increasing, and for good reason - travel insurance may not fully cover your jewellery

Here's why more travellers are avoiding "travel insurance traps", using specialised jewellery insurance to protect their valuables on European summer vacations: 

1. Valuable Investments on the Go

Travellers often wear their valuable jewellery abroad, making it susceptible to loss, theft, or damage. With the increasing value of fine jewellery, travellers are more aware of the financial impact of losing or damaging their pieces.

2. Sentimental Significance

Many jewellery items, such as engagement rings, family heirlooms, or gifts from loved ones, hold deep sentimental value. Travellers want to ensure these cherished pieces remain safe and can be passed down to future generations.

3. Comprehensive Coverage

Specialised jewellery insurance policies offer comprehensive coverage, including protection against loss, theft, damage, and even mysterious disappearance. Travellers appreciate the peace of mind that comes with knowing their jewellery is safeguarded, no matter where their adventures take them.

4. Travel Flexibility

Travel insurance policies sometimes have limitations when it comes to covering valuable items like jewellery. Jewellery insurance provides flexibility, allowing travellers to customise coverage based on their specific needs.

5. Tailored Protection

Jewellery insurance providers understand the unique value of jewellery and offer tailored policies to suit travellers' requirements. Travellers can also add jewellery to their policy as they move around and acquire timeless souvenirs. 

6. Worldwide Protection

Travellers appreciate that jewellery insurance extends coverage worldwide, whether exploring European cities or lounging on Mediterranean beaches. It ensures that their jewellery is protected no matter where their wanderlust takes them.

7. Ease of Process

Obtaining jewellery insurance is straightforward and can often be done online. Travellers find it convenient to secure coverage before embarking on their European summer holiday.

8. Smart Investment

Travellers view jewellery insurance as a wise investment, especially considering the potential costs of replacing or repairing valuable pieces. It allows them to enjoy their travels without worrying about the safety of their jewellery.

For the Perfect Vacation - Choose Q Report Jewellery Insurance

As you embark on your European summer journey, your jewellery becomes an essential part of your experience. 

Q Report understands the significance of your precious possessions. We're here to protect them with specialised jewellery insurance, engagement ring insurance, and luxury watch insurance

We’re proud to provide comprehensive worldwide coverage, a hassle-free insurance claim process, and protection against accidental loss or damage. 

Trust Q Report to keep your jewellery safe as you make the most of your unforgettable journey. Get an instant insurance quote today.

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What you need to save to meet your timeframe and budget is:

This has not taken cut, colour, clarity or carat, your financial situation or your partners taste into account. There are many factors that can reduce or increase the value of an engagement ring.

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