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For some of us, leaving our precious jewellery at home while we travel around the world simply isn’t an option. Perhaps you’re popping the question to that special someone in an exotic location, or perhaps you’re planning to buy jewellery overseas and need to protect it for the ride home.


Or maybe like us, you just love the feeling your jewellery gives you, and want to take it with you wherever you go.


Whatever your reason, you’ll want to ensure your jewellery is protected from damage, theft and loss while you travel. In this blog, we list some clever packing tips, provide some insider advice and outline what to do if disaster strikes.



Travelling With Your Jewellery: 5 Packing Tips


1. Store it in the Same Place


One of the most important things when storing jewellery when you travel is keeping it in the same place in your bag for the whole trip when you’re not wearing it. Take it, wear it and then put it back in the same place. Knowing that it’s either on you or in that same spot all the time will reduce the risk of you accidentally misplacing it or save you the stress of not remembering where you hid it.


2. Use a Pill Box


Smaller jewellery items like earrings and rings can easily become lost. Storing them in a pillbox is an easy way to keep them safe, secure and organised.


3. Use a Glasses Case


A fabric-lined glasses case is another excellent storage unit for your delicate items and can be nondescript from would-be thieves. It is particularly good to stop the stem of a pierced earring bending out of shape.


4. Hold Your Earrings in a Button


Loose buttons can make great earring holders. Simply fasten them through the button holes and you’ll never face a missing piece again.


5. Roll it in a Small Towel


Towels are another inconspicuous way to secure your valuable items, just be sure to fasten each end with a hair tie to seal any exit.



Protecting Your Jewellery Once You Arrive


Now that you and your jewellery have arrived safe and sound at your destination, your work isn’t over yet. It’s your job to ensure you protect it from damage, theft and loss, all while enjoying your holiday to the fullest. Here are three tips for protecting your jewellery once you arrive.



1. Don’t Flaunt It


If you’ve just been given a stunning diamond engagement ring, you’ll probably want to show the world. However, don’t let your emotions get in the way of common sense. The reality is that in some countries around the world, flaunting that shiny diamond ring is like a thorn in their eye and a flashing light for thieves.


Either leave it in the safe in your room, or if you forgot to take it off when you left the hotel, turn it upside down so people will only see the plain band of the bottom of the ring. 


Whether it’s an engagement ring or an expensive necklace, save your most precious jewellery for special occasions, and keep them locked in the hotel safe when you’re out and about.



2. Avoid Too Much Hand Cream


Some creams, including moisturiser and sunscreen, can make your rings slippery. Cool conditions also have a tendency to cause your fingers to shrink allowing your ring to come off easily. So swimming at the beach is not the best idea. Again, leaving it in the hotel safe is much more sensible.



3. You are clearly a tourist … BE CAREFUL


Pickpocketing is a global problem, and there are countless stories of unlucky travellers who have fallen victim to cunning thieves. Thieves loiter around tourist hotspots such at train stations and other tourist attractions. If you are constantly looking up and are oblivious to your surroundings, you are an easy mark.


Always put carrying bags across your shoulder with the bag ideally hanging in front of you. The same goes for wallets, which you should keep in your front pocket rather than bag pocket. Wearing a neck pouch for carrying passports, credit cards and extra money is an excellent habit when travelling in heavily populated areas.


A shiny gold necklace that you have had all your life or maybe just got as a gift makes for a perfect item for a guy on a motorcycle to drive past and rip off your neck. So keeping it out of sight would largely reduce this risk.



What to Do if You Lose Your Jewellery Overseas


First things first, don’t panic. Think rationally about the possible whereabouts of your piece and retrace your steps if need be. Depending on whether or not you’ve protected your items with jewellery insurance or travel insurance, it might be required that you obtain a police report as soon as you notice it’s missing.


Other things to remember include:


  • If you were travelling on a train, bus or plane when your item went missing, inform staff straight away of anything that’s been lost.


  • Alert your accommodation of any items that were lost during your stay.


  • Pack your jewellery in your carry-on luggage, or keep them on your person during the flight if possible.



Travel Insurance vs. Jewellery Insurance


If you’re travelling with jewellery, you’ll want to protect it with insurance. Unfortunately, some travellers choose to use travel insurance to protect their jewellery but then find they’re not covered under several circumstances or their cover limits aren’t high enough for their valuable items.


Hand-picked related content: Guide to Insuring Your Jewellery When Travelling


On the other hand, specialised jewellery insurance like Q Report allows you to travel with confidence knowing you’re protected from damage, theft and loss with exceptional cover. Our jewellery insurance includes benefits like:


  • 12 months worldwide cover up to 150% of the agreed value
  • Ability to return to your original jeweller for replacement and repair
  • A low, fixed excess of $100 if you need to make a claim.


To see how little it can cost you to protect your jewellery overseas with a Q Report policy, get an instant online quote today.


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Engagement Ring Budget Calculator

What you need to save to meet your timeframe and budget is:

This has not taken cut, colour, clarity or carat, your financial situation or your partners taste into account. There are many factors that can reduce or increase the value of an engagement ring.

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