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How to Clean a Diamond Ring

Q Report Team
Updated on March 04, 2024
4 min read

Nothing dazzles quite like a brand new diamond ring. It catches every light in the room and adds elegance and glamour to everyday life.

But after it’s been through several weeks of dust, dishwater, aerosols and pocket lint, it might appear to have lost some of its lustre. Never fear - by incorporating a few new habits into your life, you can keep your precious jewellery looking as lovely as the first day you saw it. 

Before we outline some simple cleaning instructions for your diamond ring, let’s outline some of the most common causes of wear and tear.


Common Causes of Wear and Tear

Unless you live an extremely charmed life, your hands probably stay busy throughout the day, and certain activities can cause wear and tear and even damage to your diamond ring.


  • Lotion, Hair Products, and Makeup. Makeup and lotion can cause build-up on your ring, both on the diamond and on the ring metal. Some hairsprays can stain the ring band, causing more permanent dulling the surface of your ring, which would require professional polishing to remove.
  • Not only can chlorine and other pool chemicals cause your ring’s metal to deteriorate, but swimming presents some other dangers as well. For example, your ring could be lost altogether if swimming in rough surf, as your finger often shrinks in cold water. Additionally, applying sunscreen can make your fingers slippery, allowing your ring to easily come off.
  • House Cleaning. Like lotions and hair products, household cleaners can cause unsightly build-up on your ring, especially in the prongs of your setting. The chemicals in some cleaners can even cause discolouration of your stones. Strong chemicals can severely damage emeralds, pearls and opals.
  • Tennis and Golf. It’s not uncommon for diamonds to be knocked loose during vigorous games of tennis and golf, especially if you’re left-handed or have a tight grip. Keep your ring safe and remove it and keep in it in a secure place while playing these sports.
  • Using Heavy Machinery. Before you dive into your next DIY project, do yourself a favour and tuck your diamond ring safely away. Chips, breaks and splits can happen when your ring is knocked against heavy machinery. People have actually lost their fingers as a result of their ring getting caught in power tools.
  • Hidden rocks in soil can put your ring at risk of scratches and chips. Cover your ring with high-quality gardening gloves or take it off entirely while gardening.
  • Cooking and Baking. Most cooking and baking can be done without putting your ring in danger, but if you’re going to be handling gooey, sticky dough, take the ring off. It can be difficult to remove dough, even from simple settings. Keep opals away from hot ovens as they can possess up to 6% water content, and severe heat changes can cause cracking.

Safe Cleaning Methods for Your Diamond Ring

Now that we’re familiar with common causes of wear and tear, let’s look at how you can safely clean your diamond ring.

Regular Soap-and-Water Cleaning

To remove the inevitable build-up that comes from soap, lotions, dirt and grime, make a solution of warm water and a few drops of dish soap and soak for 20 to 40 minutes. Once done, gently brush your diamond with a soft toothbrush and rinse it with clean water. 

You can let your ring air dry or you can dry it with a clean, soft cloth. Don’t use a paper towel as paper can scratch your ring’s finish. Some people place it on a soft towel and use their hair dryer.

A Heavier Chemical Cleaning

If your ring has had an especially dirty day, you might want to give it a more thorough cleaning. For a gold diamond ring, combine one part Windex with one part Hydrogen Peroxide, and let your ring soak for 10 to 15 minutes. The Windex removes build-up and the Hydrogen Peroxide removes any bacteria that clings to your ring. Rinse and dry your ring gently.

For a silver diamond ring, combine 40 millilitres of baking soda with 125 millilitres of vinegar. Ensure the baking soda is dissolved in the vinegar before placing your ring in the solution. Let it soak for 2 to 3 hours before gently brushing with a soft toothbrush, rinsing and drying.


When to Visit Your Jeweller for Repair

Occasionally, your ring may need more attention than you can give it at home. Inspect it regularly to make sure nothing is loose. Check the length of the prongs during your inspection and see that your stone is securely fitted in its setting.

If you’re concerned about its condition, take it to your jeweller right away. It’s best to address any issues immediately so you don’t risk further damage or the loss of your precious stone.

Unfortunately, no diamond ring is indestructible, which is why we’re here to protect the things you love. Get an instant online jewellery insurance quote today.

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