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Common Ways Diamond Rings Can Be Damaged

Q Report Team
Updated on October 15, 2024
7 min read

A diamond is the hardest gemstone in existence. Yet, it can get damaged if handled poorly. 

In this blog post, you'll learn the common ways your diamond can get damaged, and how you can work to protect your ring. 

Ready? Let's dive in!


Diamonds: A Brief Background

We all know diamonds are hard, but what 'exactly' makes them hard? 

Diamonds are made from pure carbon, and their atomic bonding gives them this extreme hardness. On the Mohs hardness scale, a diamond scores 10 on a scale of 1-10.

However, hardness tells us nothing about toughness (a substance's tendency to break). And when it comes to toughness, diamonds are pretty low in that category. They also tend to break easily along cleavage planes, unlike other gemstones like rubies or sapphires.

With all these in mind, let's identify some common ways of damage.


7 Ways Your Diamond Ring Can Be Damaged

Diamond means "unbreakable" in ancient Greek, but your diamond can still break. Here are some common kinds of damage and how to avoid them.

Diamond ring & wedding bandPhoto by Leah Kelley

1. Inherent Flaws

The number one reason a diamond becomes damaged is the presence of an intrinsic flaw (natural inclusion) in it. While this is part of its unique fingerprint, it makes the diamond vulnerable to cracks and reduces its value.

Diamonds with inclusions experience more wear over time because nothing prevents them from being polished away by friction against other surfaces.

2. Setting Accidents

Diamonds can easily sustain damage during setting. This is due to the pressure applied when fixing the stone to the ring band. 

Cracking or chipping may occur on fancy shapes like marquise, pear or heart-shaped stones, more so than others. Plus, a diamond with an existing imperfection, like a cavity, is more likely to be damaged during setting.

3. Cleaning with Harsh Chemicals

If you don't exert enough care and patience while cleaning your diamond, you'll damage it. 

Diamonds are exceptionally delicate, and thus, they require the utmost care. Harsh chemicals like acetone, chlorine, bleach and other abrasive substances like baking powder and toothpaste will damage your diamond beyond repair. 

4. Contact with Other Diamonds

The easiest way to damage your diamond is by placing it close to other diamonds. 

Whenever a diamond comes in contact with another diamond, they can scratch each other. So, if you've got a sizeable amount of diamonds in your jewellery collection, don't put them in the same box. Place each diamond in a separate box or a soft fabric bag.


5. Frequent Contact with Saltwater

Constant saltwater exposure harms your diamond. 

Why? The salt can erode and blemish your diamond—which weakens and causes the diamond to break after prolonged exposure.

fully diamond covered ring

6. Filing Mishaps

Filing is one of the most dangerous things you can do to your gemstone— especially if not done correctly. The polishing and recutting processes can also damage a diamond.

7. Daily Wear and Tear

Although diamonds are forever, they don't always last forever.

Wear and tear is not uncommon for those who wear their rings every day. A gradual way of damaging your diamond ring is by wearing it while washing dishes and clothes or touching harsh surfaces like hard walls and racquets. 

These activities create friction, especially when the diamonds are set close together (i.e., settings). This damage can occur all at once or build up together and damage your ring over time.


How to Spot Damage on Your Diamond Ring

It can be scary when something happens to the ring that symbolises your love and commitment. And oftentimes, you may not know where to turn for help. This section will discuss how to spot damage on your engagement ring and get it repaired if necessary. 

Hold the ring close to your ear and tap it with your finger. If you hear a rattling noise, this is a sure sign that something is loose and should be repaired.

  • If your diamond ring has a loose stone, contact a professional jeweller. They will tighten the stone and ensure it is secure. If the stone is loose because of a cracked setting, they may also replace the setting.

jeweller looking at gemPhoto by Nestor Cortez: 

  • If your engagement ring has a cracked stone and the damage is extensive, you may need to take the ring to a qualified diamond cutter or diamond setting specialist.

  • Do a visual check for cracks or chips in your diamond. If anything appears different from when you bought it, consult your jeweller. If you still have the paperwork from when you purchased the diamond, compare your ring to the picture on the paperwork.

  • Take note if it becomes repeatedly snagged. If your diamond continues to catch on your clothes, there’s a possibility that the claw isn't performing as designed. You may need to have the setting fixed or even redesigned.


If you notice any damage to your diamond ring, don’t try to fix it yourself. Repairing your diamond ring without the proper knowledge or tools could cause more damage than good. 


How to Prevent Your Diamond Ring From Damage

Diamond rings are a beautiful symbol of love and commitment. They can last for generations when properly taken care of. Here are five ways to protect your diamond ring from damage:

1. Store it in a jewellery box or pouch:

Storing your diamond ring in a separate jewellery box or pouch will protect it from being scratched or chipped. It will also prevent the diamond from getting tangled with other jewellery pieces.

woman trying on engagement ringPhoto by W W from Pexels: 

2. Keep it clean: 

Regular cleaning of your diamond ring will keep it sparkling and new. Use a soft, lint-free cloth to wipe the diamond and setting gently. 

diamond engagement ring on cloth

You can also use an old soft toothbrush, warm water and gentle detergent to clean your ring. Gently brush the diamond to remove any dirt that gets caught under the claws, then thoroughly rinse it with fresh, clear water. Dry your ring with a soft cloth to restore its gorgeous shine.

3. Take it off before doing physical activities: 

While you may want to wear your diamond ring as often as possible, some activities are a little too risky for its safety. This includes:

  • Laundry
  • Swimming
  • Gardening
  • Impact sports
  • Rock climbing
  • Moving furniture
  • Working with power tools
  • Snorkelling and scuba diving
  • Cleaning with harsh chemicals

4. Avoid wearing it in extreme weather conditions:  

Extreme temperatures can cause the metal in your diamond ring to warp or crack. Avoid wearing your ring in very hot or very cold conditions.

5. Keep it away from magnets: 

Magnets can damage the metal in your diamond ring and cause it to lose shape and sparkle. Avoid storing your ring near magnets or other strong magnetic fields.

6. Get professional inspection regularly:

One of the best ways to keep your diamond ring in pristine condition is to get it professionally inspected regularly. Jewellers have the expertise and tools necessary to properly assess the condition of your ring and identify any potential problems. 

If they do find any damage, they can easily repair it.

Above all else, remember that taking care of your diamond ring is the best way to keep it looking beautiful for years to come. Regular cleaning and inspections will go a long way toward keeping it in excellent condition.


Conclusion: Always Protect Your Ring With Specialised Jewellery Insurance

Diamond rings are sentimental and can be pretty expensive to replace. That's why it's crucial to have specialised jewellery insurance to protect your ring from loss, theft, or damage.

Q Report offers a comprehensive insurance policy, so you can wear your jewellery with complete peace of mind, knowing your ring is safe and sound no matter what happens.

We offer a range of features that gives your ring the utmost protection and backup it needs, including:. Some of them include:

  • Loss coverage
  • Theft coverage
  • No-impact claims
  • Damage coverage
  • Annual revaluation
  • Agreed value policy
  • Worldwide coverage
  • Additional 50% cover
  • National Disaster coverage
  • Mysterious disappearance coverage

… and much more.

Ready to give your diamond ring the best protection it deserves? Then get an instant quote or contact us to get started.

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