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Choosing a Birthstone for an Engagement Ring

Q Report Team
Updated on October 06, 2022
6 min read

Adding or choosing a birthstone for an engagement ring is a unique way to add a touch of personalisation to the gift of forever. Birthstones are gems representing a person's birth period - usually their birth month or zodiac sign. Birthstones and their superstitions can be traced back to early Eastern and Western religions spanning centuries of tradition and culture. 

It’s important to note that all gemstones rank differently on the Mohs Hardness Scale, meaning that some stones are more susceptible to wear and tear than others. This blog will look at different birthstones and whether they’d be a good fit for an engagement ring. 


What is the Mohs Hardness Scale?

The Mohs Hardness Scale is named after Friedrich Mohs, a mineralogist who developed the scale to help determine each mineral's relative hardness and resistance to scratches. 

There is a reason they say that ‘diamonds are forever.’ It’s because they are one of the toughest minerals on Earth; they are great for engagement rings, making them the most sought after by jewellery lovers and future fiancés alike. 

Other gemstones rank all across the Mohs scale, and it’s important to know exactly where they sit, so you can make the most informed decision when picking your engagement ring. 10 is the highest and strongest rating on the Mohs Hardness Scale. Remember, the higher the number, the stronger the mineral.


What Are the Birthstones and Their Meanings?

Each birthstone represents a different month and, according to some cultures, are thought to hold powers, charm and meaning. 

Read about the gemstones and their meanings below. 


January - Garnet

January - Garnet

Garnet stones are a beautiful deep red colour and symbolise protection. Travellers wore them on their journeys to keep them safe from any perils they may have faced. The name garnet comes from the Latin word ‘seed’ because of its likeness to a pomegranate seed.  

6.5 - 7.5 on the Mohs Hardness Scale



February - Amethyst 

February - Amethyst 

Amethysts are known for their vibrant purple hues and are used in spiritual rituals for healing and protection. They were the favourite stone of King Edward VII’s wife and were only allowed to be worn by people of nobility and royalty. These days they are a very common and beloved gemstone.

7 on the Mohs Hardness Scale



March - Aquamarine and Bloodstone

 March - Aquamarine and Bloodstone

Aquamarine gets its name from the endless sea-blue colour that has made them sought after for centuries. The deeper the blue, the more valuable, as blue is the least naturally occurring colour in nature. In ancient times, sailors used to sleep with Aquamarine under their pillows to ensure that the seas below them stayed calm during their long journeys. 

Aquamarine: 7 - 8 on the Mohs Hardness Scale



April - Diamond 

​​April - Diamond 

Diamonds are the classic symbol of forever love but were also worn by influential leaders to bring strength and fortitude. Diamonds are one of the strongest minerals on Earth. 

10 on the Mohs Hardness Scale. 



May - Emerald 


May’s birthstone was Cleopatra’s favourite. The ancient Egyptians believed that Emeralds would bring eternal life to the wearer. Emeralds also symbolise nature and rebirth. Their gorgeous green hues help brighten up any piece of jewellery. 

7.5 - 8 on the Mohs Hardness Scale. 



June - Pearl and Moonstone

June - Pearl and Moonstone

Pearls are the only gemstones that come from living organisms - oysters, mussels and clams. These truly unique gemstones represent purity, femininity and peace. The ancient Greeks believed that pearls were the hardened tears of Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love. 

June’s second gemstone is the Moonstone, used in ancient spirituality for clarity and peace. It got its name from its likeliness to the moon.

Pearl: 2.5 on the Mohs Hardness Scale

Moonstone: 6 - 6.5 on the Mohs Hardness Scale



July - Ruby 

Ruby ring

Ruby and Sapphires are made from the same minerals; the only thing that separates them is their polarising colours. Rubies are a brilliant red and were known in the Hindu religion as ‘the king of precious stones' and were worn by noblemen and spiritual leaders to ward off evil. Today, most people associate their hue with passion and love. 

9 on the Mohs Hardness Scale



August - Peridot 

peridot ring

This unusual green gemstone is thought to bring strength and peace. This mineral is made deep inside the Earth’s crust and is brought to the surface through volcanic activity. Peridot has also been found on meteorites that have crashed into the Earth. Peridot is said to benefit the wearers born in August; any other wearers won’t reap its charm. 

6.5 - 7 on the Mohs Hardness Scale 


September - Sapphire 

sapphire gem

These brilliant blue gemstones share the characteristics of the Ruby, but their deep blue hues make them a truly unique gem. Sapphire’s used to be associated with royalty and was worn to help protect from negative energies and to help calm the mind from unwanted thoughts. 

9 on the Mohs Hardness Scale. 



October - Opal

​​opal rings

Opals are unique gemstones in that they can exude an array of colours. Opals diffract (splits) light inside the stone, which gives them their rainbow hues. Opals are said to bring hope and good luck and exude purity onto the wearer. 

5 - 6 on the Mohs Hardness Scale



November - Topaz

topaz ring

Topaz comes in a range of colours, the rarest being the ‘Imperial Topaz’, which comes in hues of yellow, gold, orange and pink. The most common Topaz colours are clear and blue. 

Topaz is a rejuvenating stone used for meditation and restoration in Feng Shui.  

8 on the Mohs Hardness Scale 



December - Turquoise 

turquoise ring

Turquoise is a beautiful greeny-blue gemstone that represents tranquillity and wisdom. Many ancient traditions believed this gemstone held a profound power of protection, making it a prized possession worldwide. 

5 - 6 on the Mohs Hardness Scale




In short, there are many beautiful birthstones, but they are not all created equal. Opal might be your favourite, but it ranks lower on the Mohs Hardness Scale, making it more likely to scratch and damage. 

Engagement rings are usually worn for decades, which is why the diamond reigns king. But diamonds aren’t the only choice! If you want to include a birthstone in an engagement ring, be sure to consider the hardness of the stone. 


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Luckily, with Q Report, you can feel safe knowing that your valuable jewellery is always protected. No matter the stone or piece, we’ve got you covered. 

Click here to get an instant quote or give us a call on 1300 882 018. We are always happy to help. 

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