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As you're looking forward to the biggest day of your life, most people get caught up in planning the wedding itself. The venue, the guest list, the menu, the schedule, it all becomes a whirlwind of activity and decisions. But the wedding is for the guests. When you're about to start a whole new life with the person you love most, it's the honeymoon that celebrates and deepens your bond as the two of you take on the world or run away to a private retreat. You want it to be perfect, magical, and to be remembered by the two of you like a wonderful and intimate dream you shared. But you also don't want to break the bank.

Weddings may be amazing, but they are also rough on a budget. If you want to make sure you have all your bases covered for an unforgettable honeymoon without coming home to a pile of vacation debt, we know exactly where you're coming from and are ready to help. Here are ten of our favourite tips for planning an amazing and surprisingly affordable honeymoon for your perfect romantic getaway.


1. Start Planning Early for Booking Discounts

No matter where you want to go or how you want to spend your honeymoon, there are almost always discounts to be had by starting your planning and booking as early as possible. The more months in advance you can give the venue, the more likely they are to offer you some wicked deals on rooms and services. You might even consider planning and booking the honeymoon as soon as you have your wedding day set and booked.

If you're not sure where to book or if online interfaces don't let you book a year in advance, talk to an affordable travel agent. They may be able to get industry discounts and know when (and when not to) drop the word "honeymoon" to get deals instead of jacked-up prices.


2. Look for Beautiful Locations Off the Beaten Track

Most honeymoons that go massively over-budget are planned in high-demand destinations during the middle of tourist season. In reality, you and your fiance are not going to want to be surrounded by thousands of other tourists and paying a premium for the privilege. Instead, look for more cozy rural hotels, countries where your money goes further than it does at home, or even a vacation rental (Airbnb) booking in a beautiful location that doesn't get a lot of tourist demand. This gives you privacy, beauty, and non-tourist prices. Tell the hosts you're on your honeymoon and you may find a few special gifts.


3. Plan to Eat In

On your honeymoon, you will probably plan a few incredibly romantic, unique, and exclusive dinners but that doesn't mean you have to shell out for every meal you share. If your room has a kitchen or even just a small refrigerator, you can grab local groceries and start a few domestic traditions by preparing meals together and experimenting with local cuisine. Don't forget to take your restaurant leftovers back with you as well for delicious midnight snacking without paying for room service.


4. Put Together a Honeymoon Registry

Worried that your own finances aren't going to cover the expenses of even a carefully planned honeymoon? One great way to get a real budget for your honeymoon is to make your honeymoon part of your wedding gift registry. Ask for supplies you need like luggage or warm clothing and make an account on a honeymoon fund website so your wedding guests can choose to contribute to your honeymoon instead of choosing a traditional gift. Another interesting way to get your friends and family to pay for your honeymoon is to ask for gift cards to places you know you'll be visiting like local grocery stores, restaurant chains, or camping supply shops depending on your plans.


5. Insure the Ring

Normally, good travel advice is to leave your expensive jewellery behind but there is one item of jewellery you simply can't leave behind as it’s worth too much to be careless about: The engagement ring. That beautiful sparkling jewel is the symbol of your long-term pledge of love, devotion, and decades of marital bliss. The last thing you want is for it to get stolen from your hotel room or to irretrievably fall down a sink by accident. By having the ring insured, you may assure yourself and your wonderful new spouse that your engagement ring may survive your honeymoon adventures. Make sure you insure it with a specialised jewellery insurance company that only deals with jewellery insurance. You can use below quote tool to determine costs:



Thanks for joining us on the first half of this two-part article. Planning your honeymoon is a big task for any budding couple whether you're trying to surprise your special someone or are planning together. The best way to start your new life is to come home relaxed, inseparable, and without a mountain of debt waiting for you. Join us next time for the second half where we'll talk about everything from packing to ways of covering expenses with packages and passes.

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Engagement Ring Budget Calculator

What you need to save to meet your timeframe and budget is:

This has not taken cut, colour, clarity or carat, your financial situation or your partners taste into account. There are many factors that can reduce or increase the value of an engagement ring.

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