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10 Things to Avoid When Engagement Ring Shopping

Q Report Team
Updated on November 06, 2023
4 min read

Save yourself future hassles by getting it right the first time. Instead of buying the wrong size, becoming overwhelmed by options and ending up with a ring she doesn’t like, use the following tips to avoid common engagement ring shopping mistakes.

You’ve got this. It’s under control. Just don’t do these ten things:


1. Shop without a budget

The sheer number of rings on the market can easily overwhelm a shopper. You’re facing decisions about yellow gold, white gold, platinum, gemstones, solitaires, diamond shapes, clarity and colour, settings and more.

Do yourself a favour and reduce the selection. You can narrow the field before you even step into a jeweller’s shop by preparing a budget for this purchase. Not only will a budget help you to zero in on appropriate rings, but it will reduce your financial anxiety as you shop and help you to enjoy this unique experience.


2. Buy without seeing

We buy all kinds of products online, from books and clothes to stocks and insurance. But for an engagement ring, you really ought to see the item in person before you make the purchase. Some jewellery websites show their products in great detail, but it’s nearly impossible to imagine how it would look on her finger without seeing it and turning it around in the light.


3. Focus on the size of the diamond

The diamond’s carat weight is significant, for sure, but don’t miss the forest for the trees. Each component of an engagement ring contributes to its overall appeal. How does the setting complement the stone? Is the design harmonious? She’s not going to walk around telling everyone the carat weight of her diamond, so balance carat weight with other essential factors, such as how it suits her personality and your relationship.


4. Forget to focus on the size of the ring

It’s one thing to stop focusing on the size of the diamond, and it’s another thing entirely to neglect paying attention to your fiancés ring size. Avoid having to resize the ring later by getting it right the first time. Learn more about sizing bloghere.


5. Choose what you like instead of what she loves

Yes, you’re the one buying the ring, but you’re not the one who will be wearing it every day. Take some time to notice her preferences. Which metals does she wear most often? (She’ll want it to match her other jewellery). Does she prefer intricate or straightforward designs? How does she like to dress? A person who loves to wear vintage clothing probably won’t feel comfortable with an ultra-modern ring.

Another way to learn about her preferences is to dig into her social media. Does she have any jewellery or fashion pictures on her Instagram feed or Pinterest boards? Do your homework and reap the rewards of a delighted fiancee.


6. Go alone

Big decisions are often more manageable when you have a companion to help you. Tap into her network of friends or family, and invite a helper to come along. A best friend, a sister or even her mother can be tremendously helpful, and you’ll deepen your relationship with a person who is close to her. Just don’t invite someone who can’t keep secrets!


7. Forget about comfort

Long after the gown and tuxedo have been to the dry cleaners, and the wedding photos have been hung on the wall, that glamorous engagement ring will still grace the finger of your beloved every single day. That’s why comfort should be an important consideration while you’re shopping.

Women with active lifestyles may not be comfortable wearing a ring with a high profile. It will snag on their clothing and could become damaged. And some rings are just more comfortable than others. For example, some rings with a really thick band may make it hard to close your finger..


8. Buy from a disreputable source

Getting married is expensive, and it’s tempting to check out the engagement ring deals offered by less-than-reputable sources. But you’ll get the best results when you buy your engagement ring through a well-established jeweller that can guarantee their products’ quality and offer service and repairs over the years. If you haven’t yet found a good jeweller, consider visiting a Q Certified establishment.


9. Forget to consider a matching wedding ring

Many brides prefer a wedding set to a simple engagement ring. If this is the case for your bride-to-be, start with a “set” mentality. While it’s possible to find a matching band later on after you purchase an engagement ring, you’ll get the best results from buying coordinating set to begin with.


10. Fail to insure the ring

When you finally discover the perfect ring, be sure to cover it with Q Report jewellery insurance. Instead of worrying about damage and loss, enjoy that treasured ring every day, no matter where you go. Start by getting a free, instant quote. Together, let’s protect the things you love.


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Engagement Ring Budget Calculator

What you need to save to meet your timeframe and budget is:

This has not taken cut, colour, clarity or carat, your financial situation or your partners taste into account. There are many factors that can reduce or increase the value of an engagement ring.

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