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Jewellery insurance info, helpful guides, resources and industry-leading insights.


Jewellery Insurance

How To Solve Everyday Dilemmas With Jewellery Insurance

Welcome to our guide on navigating everyday jewellery dilemmas with the hel...

Is Watch & Jewellery Theft on the Rise in 2024?

Concerned about the rise in watch and jewellery theft in 2024? A surge in t...

The Sentimental Value of Insuring Your Jewellery

Jewellery can be more than a style choice. Our most precious pieces are a r...

Insurance Information

Luxury Watches

The Essential Guide To Longines Watches

For over a century and a half, Longines watches have captivated collectors ...

Professional vs. DIY Watch Repairs: When to Seek Expert Help

Is your luxury watch not working quite the way it should? No need to panic.

10 Classic Watches Every Collector Should Own

Are you dreaming of building a classic watch collection? With so many iconi...

Jewellery Trends

The Enduring Appeal of Black Gemstone Jewellery

Black gemstone jewellery has an enigmatic allure that captivates the senses...

How To Create Stunning Looks With Pearls

Are you wondering "how do I style pearls?" Step into the world of timeless ...

Jewellery Trends in 2024: Big and Bold Statement Looks

What are the hottest jewellery trends for 2024? Step into the world of haut...


Keep up to date with the latest jewellery trends, insights and inspiration from Q Report.

Engagement Rings

20 of the Best Engagement Present Ideas

Planning a gift for an engaged couple can feel like a high-stakes treasure ...

How to Find the Perfect Australian Wedding Photographer

Picture this: the soft morning light filtering through the lace curtains as...


Live Your Life in Colour: Canary Diamond Engagement Rings

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Lab Grown vs Natural Diamonds (What's the Difference?)

When most people think of diamonds, they think of natural diamonds.

The Surprising Science Behind Diamond Cutting

A natural diamond is as rich in history as it is in beauty. From the moment...


Proposing at Home: Do’s and Don’ts

According to a 2019 survey of 20,000 newly-engaged couples, 21 percent of p...

Are Diamonds a Good Investment?

Most people don’t consider buying diamonds until it’s time to purchase an e...

Brisbane’s Top 10 Proposal Locations

Your heart’s all a-flutter and it’s hard to sit still. So you’ve decided to...

Helpful Resources

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The Complete Guide to Jewellery Insurance

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The Ultimate Guide to Luxury Watches

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Ring Size Guide & Sizer

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Some of us have those particular pieces of jewellery which are worth a lot of money. Chances are that we want to pass them onto our children and grandchildren. Perhaps it's your engagement ring that means so much to you, or that watch your grandfather passed down. Whatever the item is, it's likely to have sentimental value... which is why it's important to make sure you protect that particular piece as best you can.

Some Jewels Are Too Precious To Lose

When it comes to your jewels, it's important to think about their safety. Not just in terms of where you keep them when you're at home, or how you take care of them to make sure they don’t get damaged. Everything from an unfortunate loss (because a ring slipped off your finger), to having a piece stolen right off your wrist whilst on a vacation, is a possibility. No doubt you'll be a lot safer if you take control and ensure you have the protection you need so that you can wear your jewellery without having to worry. At Q Report we believe that jewellery isn't meant to be locked away in a drawer. Jewellery is meant to be worn without fear of loss and in the unfortunate event of loss, having the piece of mind knowing that you would be covered.  


Won't My Home Contents Insurance Protect My Jewellery?

If you keep your jewellery at home all the time, then your home contents insurance will likely cover it in the event someone breaks into your home and steals your jewellery. However, most of us don't keep our jewellery under lock and key. We wear it. And unfortunately, if something happens while you're on vacation or going to a social event, you may find your insurance policy doesn't cover you like you thought it did. Who ever reads the fine print?

If you want to enjoy your jewellery while you have it and simultaneously protect it for the future generations, you would do well to have a policy explicitly for your jewellery. One that covers you when you're out and about, and lets you wear your jewels with confidence and peace of mind.


How To Choose the Right Protection For Your Most Precious Pieces

There are a lot of insurance companies and policies out there, but there are different factors to look out for. At Q Report we offer total, year-round, worldwide coverage for your jewellery. So it doesn't matter where you go when misfortune rears its ugly head. We also offer an annual revaluation of your jewellery at no cost, ensuring that you always have an accurate value for your jewellery. Our coverage can start immediately in most cases (before you even leave your jeweller) and we make sure you're covered up to 150 percent of the agreed value of your pieces. We'd like you to get the piece back exactly as it was, so it's important to us that you can return to your original jeweller in the event of a claim.

It's easy enough to get started. All you have to do is use our simple quote tool or contact us and see the costs and benefits of our policy.




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Vector (25)

Engagement Ring Budget Calculator

What you need to save to meet your timeframe and budget is:

This has not taken cut, colour, clarity or carat, your financial situation or your partners taste into account. There are many factors that can reduce or increase the value of an engagement ring.

Not sure where to start?

Speak with one of our Q Certified Jewellers to find out what you can afford, what your partner is looking for and what will financially work best for you.

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