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Durable Wedding Bands for the Handyman

Q Report Team
Updated on December 13, 2022
4 min read

Men’s wedding bands can take a beating. Whether you’re fixing a roof or planting a tree, your hands stay busy and active day after day.


Is it possible to find a wedding ring that can survive the demands of a busy handyman? Going one step further, are there rings out there that can maintain their stylish appeal even after a long day of work?


Yes! In this article, we’ll look at the materials and styles best suited for active men. Let’s get started.


Dependable Materials

Never before have we seen such a wide variety of attractive materials in men’s wedding rings. In the past, men had to choose from a few precious metals--mainly gold, silver and platinum. But today, space-age metals and even organic components have increased options and made men’s rings more durable (and attractive) than ever!


Traditional Choices

If you love the conventional metals (gold, silver and platinum), you’ll find plenty of choices that are suitable for an active lifestyle. Yellow gold, primarily when alloyed with harder metals, can be a great choice. White gold, on the other hand, may require more maintenance than you want to deal with. Coated with rhodium, white gold can lose its plating over time, requiring refinishing by a professional jeweller.


While pure silver is too soft for everyday rings, sterling silver, which contains 7.5 per cent copper or another hard metal, wears exceptionally well. Sterling silver does tarnish, but if you wear it consistently, you shouldn’t have to polish it often.


Renowned for its classic colour, durability and rarity, platinum holds up well in demanding circumstances because it’s one of the hardest known elements. It won’t corrode or oxidise, and it’s hypo-allergenic as well. Because of its rarity, platinum is one of the most expensive precious metals, but if you’re hoping to pass the ring down to your son, platinum is the way to go.


Space-Age Materials

If you’re not a traditional-type guy, you may be interested in some of the space-age materials showing up in wedding bands for active lifestyles.

Titanium’s popularity has skyrocketed over the past few years, and for good reason. As strong as steel but much lighter in weight, titanium has a silver-white colouring that looks chic and sophisticated. Jewellers love working with this metal because it’s easy to engrave, making it a perfect canvas for intricate detailing.


Tungsten is highly resistant to scratches, perfect for men who work with their hands all day long. You’ll find tungsten wedding bands in white, grey and black, and it happily receives laser engravings and imprints, ideal for personalisation. Keep in mind that tungsten wedding bands cannot be resized, so make sure your jeweller measures your finger very carefully.


A cousin to platinum, palladium has the same dewy white sheen as its rarer relative, but it’s much lighter weight and less expensive. It’s one of the few hypo-allergenic precious metals, so it’s a perfect choice for those with sensitive skin.


Organic Materials

Wood in a wedding band? Why not? Today’s creative jewellers are incorporating an impressive variety of organic materials into their creations, from wood and carbon fiber to antlers and even dinosaur bones! Buffeted by hard metals like tungsten and titanium, these organic materials should hold up well during the daily grind.


Ring Styles for the Active Man

Once you’ve chosen a favourite material, it’s time to look at styles. Not every wedding band style suits an active lifestyle. For example, diamond channel set rings can be a challenge to keep clean, especially if you work with grease, soil and other grimy materials.


In general, look for simple styles that don’t get in your way or require extensive maintenance.



The edges of comfort fit wedding bands are rounded on the inside of the ring, allowing the ring to slide around easier as you move. For men who work with their hands, comfort fit rings can be a lifesaver.


You’ll find comfort fit wedding bands in all kinds of looks, from fancy inlaid styles to minimalist and modern.


Bevelled Edge Bands

If you’re concerned about your wedding ring getting caught on tools or materials as you work, take a look at bevelled edge bands. The crisp and polished bevelled edges add a vital angle that slopes down toward your skin, smoothing the ring’s profile and giving your ring a modern appeal.


Low Dome Bands

Rings with rounded exteriors also work well for handymen because they’re not liable to catch on anything. Try on wedding bands with low domes and high domes to find out if this style feels comfortable on your hand.


We always recommend that rings are not worn if you work with tools and machinery, as rings can get caught (as can your finger). There are many scary stories of severe injury being caused and rings being destroyed when worn while working with tools and machinery. A safer option may be to wear your ring on a chain around your neck. 


Just because you’re a handyman doesn’t mean you have to forego wearing a good-looking wedding ring. The right band is out there waiting for you; you just have to find it. And when you do, insure it with Q Report jewellery insurance. If the unexpected happens, we’ll have your back.


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