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5 Ways to Keep Your Engagement Ring Sparkling!

Q Report Team
Updated on October 06, 2022
3 min read

Originally published on the Modern Wedding website.

Your engagement ring may be small in size, but it's sparkle demands big attention, especially when he's just popped the question. Like any possession your engagement ring needs to be cared for and looked after properly. The experts at Q Report Jewellery Insurance brought us these easy tips to ensure your engagement ring maintains it's sparkling reputation!


Exercise is great for your health, but not so healthy for your engagement ring. Chlorine and sweat can dull the metal around your diamond and you run the risk of hitting your engagement ring which may cause the stone to come loose or even chip.


Moisturising your skin regularly is a beauty must, but if you want your diamond ring to glow like your skin then it's best to remove it before you apply. Body lotion contains moisturising ingredients like shea butter that will cause diamonds to lose their sparkle. In general it's best to keep your engagement ring away from any chemicals including cleaning products, cosmetics and even some foods.


A professional clean is like a makeover for your engagement ring and the best way to 'bring back the sparkle'. Most jewellers will clean your ring using a professional ultrasonic jewellery cleaner which extracts dirt from even the most intricate areas of your ring. Your jeweller can also inspect your ring for any loose diamonds and ensure they are secured properly, because it won't be sparkling for very long without a diamond!


Cleaning your engagement ring at home is a great way to keep your engagement ring sparkling between visits to the jeweller. Don't clean your engagement ring with toothpaste or harsh chemicals, use warm water, mild dishwashing soap, and a soft-bristled brush and cloth. Soak your ring in water with a little mild liquid soap, then gently brush above and below the gemstones.


Your engagement ring certainly won't be sparkling if it's not there anymore! Be sure to choose an agreed value insurance policy for your engagement ring. This means that your ring is replaced with the same quality sparkling diamond in the event of loss or damage (for more on jewellery insurance fine print blogclick here).

We recommend Q Report Jewellery Insurance as the only company offering an agreed value policy and the guarantee you can return to your original jeweller. If you haven’t insured your ring, click here for a quote from Q Report.

For more tips and advice on looking after your sparkling engagement ring head to www.qreport.com.au


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What you need to save to meet your timeframe and budget is:

This has not taken cut, colour, clarity or carat, your financial situation or your partners taste into account. There are many factors that can reduce or increase the value of an engagement ring.

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