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Jewellery Insurance

Key Questions to Ask When Choosing Jewellery Insurance

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Luxury Watches

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Jewellery Trends

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Engagement Rings

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Broken diamond engagement ringWe have seen rings which were caught in the car door (the ring saved her finger but the diamond was chipped), dropped in the driveway and run over so that the ring was mangled but the diamond was fine, and one unfortunate lady who tripped at the pool, smashed her ring against a tile, broke a claw and lost the diamond!

There are some incredible stories out there of people who have lost and found their ring many years later. Unfortunately these are the exception rather than the rule.

Here some practical and effective measures you can take to keep your engagement ring safe from loss and damage:

1. Keep your engagement ring in a safe location when you remove it. Don’t leave it next to the sink where it could fall down the drain. Even in your pocket it could end up in the washing machine or fall out as you stand up or lean forward.

Never leave your ring highly visible so that if someone looked in the window they could see it, or on a bedside table if you are going out. It’s far safer under your pillow than on the bedside table in clear view.

Store it in a jewellery box as an individual piece, don’t store it with other items of diamond jewellery – diamonds are the hardest natural known substance, but do you know what can scratch diamonds? That’s right, other diamonds.

When leaving your home, remember: a locked door is no guarantee. Safes provide a second level of protection.

2. Avoid wearing your engagement ring in risky situations. Gardening, playing sports and any kind of manual labour are all risky times to wear your ring. You could damage the setting or even chip and crack the diamond itself. Also be very careful when using chemicals to clean or when swimming in a chlorinated pool. Many household chemicals, even vinegar and bleach, can discolour and weaken the structure of certain gems and precious metals. Harsh chemicals often stain jewellery, especially white gold, and you’ll need a jeweller to polish this off.

Jewellery Box Thief3. Be aware and protect your ring from theft at all times, especially while travelling. Be wary of putting jewellery in checked baggage, always try to keep it on you in a little pouch either around your neck or perhaps a type of money belt. Click here for more information about travelling safely with jewellery.

If you use a hotel safe, double check that you’ve actually locked it when you close the door. You may be surprised to know that many people put their ring in the safe but don’t lock the door! If there is no safe and you can’t take it with you, place it in an outer zip pocket of your luggage, in a corner section as deep as possible. A thief will probably search the larger inner section of your bag because they’re in a hurry, so it’s not as likely they would anticipate you hiding it in a outer pocket.

When walking the street in places you do not feel 100% safe, turn your ring upside down so the stone is hidden in your palm. If they don’t see bright and shiny stones, you’re less of a target.

Carry your handbag across your chest, and keep wallets and precious items in your front pockets. Never use back pockets, you’re making it far too easy for the pick-pockets.

4. Insurance is vital. The small price to pay for peace of mind is worth every cent. But not all insurance is created equal – home and contents insurance may leave you extremely disappointed.

The pain of losing your newly acquired possession or having it severely damaged is not worth the risk. Give us a call on 1300 882 018 to ask about Q Report Jewellery Insurance.

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Engagement Ring Budget Calculator

What you need to save to meet your timeframe and budget is:

This has not taken cut, colour, clarity or carat, your financial situation or your partners taste into account. There are many factors that can reduce or increase the value of an engagement ring.

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