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Jewellery insurance info, helpful guides, resources and industry-leading insights.


Jewellery Insurance

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Is Watch & Jewellery Theft on the Rise in 2024?

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The Sentimental Value of Insuring Your Jewellery

Jewellery can be more than a style choice. Our most precious pieces are a r...

Insurance Information

Luxury Watches

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Helpful Resources

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The Complete Guide to Jewellery Insurance

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The Ultimate Guide to Luxury Watches

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Most people have a sentimental connection to their jewellery. Each piece comes with a story and represents a significant milestone in their lives, whether it’s their first pair of diamond earrings, a watch or that irreplaceable engagement ring.

Even though jewellery holds so much monetary and sentimental value, around 40% of households that own an engagement ring do not have jewellery insurance to protect it.

And yet it’s startling to think that one-third consider their engagement ring as one of the most expensive items they own – among investments such as their home or vehicle.

Many people include their jewellery in their home insurance, but most home insurance policies will only cover you for $1000 or $2000, regardless of the value of your jewellery. Can you imagine losing or damaging a $5000 or $10,000 ring and only getting $1000 back for it? That’s the reality with home insurance. Many Australians do not keep receipts of their jewellery, so it’s often a problem if they need to make a claim, in terms of proof of purchase.

In fact, here are the top 5 ways people lose their jewellery:

In the ocean

When your body’s cold, it tends to contract and shrink, making it very easy to lose your ring at the beach.


General housework

Losing a ring whilst cleaning or cooking happens far more often than you realise. One minute you’re washing the dishes in soapy water, the next minute you realise a stone is missing from the ring.


Sports and outdoor activities

Whether you’re going swimming, playing netball or hockey, or going to the gym, rather leave your precious rings at home. You could easily distort your rings when doing weights at the gym.


Simple misplacement

If your ring isn’t on your finger, it needs a safe designated place. There have been many cases where a ring has been placed on a bench for a second, only for it to disappear. This happens quite often at public toilets or at a party. When people travel and they are tired, their memory is shot. Make it a habit when you travel to have only one place to put your ring when you take it off, like the safe in the room.



Whether you’re travelling, at a party, at work, or even at home, never leave your jewellery unattended or in a vulnerable position. Unfortunately, some people are opportunists and seeing a beautiful diamond ring carelessly left on a table or counter is just too tempting not to swipe.

Here’s why your jewellery store should offer insurance policies:

Not everyone appreciates the importance of jewellery insurance until it’s too late. As a jewellery retailer or owner of a jewellery store, the above tips are always great to share with your customers. It’s up to you to ensure your customers have the best possible service – and that includes diamond ring insurance. Q Report offers specially developed insurance policies for your customer’s jewellery insurance needs.



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Vector (25)

Engagement Ring Budget Calculator

What you need to save to meet your timeframe and budget is:

This has not taken cut, colour, clarity or carat, your financial situation or your partners taste into account. There are many factors that can reduce or increase the value of an engagement ring.

Not sure where to start?

Speak with one of our Q Certified Jewellers to find out what you can afford, what your partner is looking for and what will financially work best for you.

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